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Go Back Nature in Vivaldi’s Sounds - Lakeville

Antonio Vivaldi conveyed the beauty and dramatic conflicts of nature in his instrumental music with an intensity unparalleled by his contemporaries. In the violin concerto“Tempesta di mare” (the storm at sea), and the flute concertos "La notte" The Night), and "Il gardellino" (The Goldfinch) Vivaldi again demonstrates how adept he is in using the solo instruments, and the unique affects and atmospheres their sounds evoke.

While Vivaldi doesn’t have a direct connection with Latin America, the Baroque music of Western Europe was widely performed there, introduced by the Jesuits. Vivaldi’s concerto for two mandolins will be performed on Iberian colonial and native instruments, giving our listeners a taste of the fusion of traditional and folk instruments that might have been heard in the New World.

Edson Scheid, Baroque violin, Rodrigo Tarraza, traverso, Carlos Boltes, charango, and Scott Hill, guitar, with strings and basso continuo players of Crescendo Period Instrument orchestra, directed by Christine Gevert

This concert will be repeated the following day, Sun., October 6, 2024 at 4 pm Saint James Place ~ 352 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 01230

Support for these concerts has been provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature, and NBT Bank. We also thank WMHT Radio for their ongoing support.